Become a Member
Ready to receive all the benefits of being a Utah REALTOR®? Here’s how to join:
Licensed Agents and Brokers
Join through a local association. You will also gain membership to the Utah Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS® when you join a local board. If your office is in a county where no local association has jurisdiction, you may apply for direct membership through the Utah Association of REALTORS®.
Licensed Agents and Brokers in Kane, Millard and Sanpete Counties
Because there are no local boards in Kane, Millard and Sanpete counties, real estate agents and brokers may apply for at-large membership directly from the Utah Association of REALTORS®.
At-Large Membership Application Form
Non-Licensed Affiliates
Even if you’re not licensed, you can join the Utah Association of REALTORS®. You will enjoy access to UAR events, resources and networking opportunities. Affiliate members may join either through a local board or by submitting the application form below.